5Sleep and rest in very important
Sleep isn’t just important to your health; it is also good for skin and reduces the speed of ageing. Sleep well and watch your face glow in the Morning, sleep badly or not at all and pouches as well as dark circles under eyes show up. It has been proved by research that sleep contributes to weight loss and lack of sleep impairs brain function and degenerates brain cells resulting in fogginess, poor focus, poor short-term memory and lack of concentration. Of course irritability and lethargy are also huge problems resulting from lack of sleep.
Image Source: www.pidgeonenglish.com
6Turn down the heat
This may sound surprising as you may have assumed that heat makes you lose weight like saunas but that isn’t so. Cool temperatures can also help you burn fat while you are at rest or sleeping. The body has to work to stay warm and this activity is what burns calories to generate heat. It is brown fat that helps the body do this but when you heat up your home, this activity stops. According to science, a home should be kept at 19 degrees which is a nice cool method to lose weight.
Image Source: www.jossbox.com
7Be sure to drink adequate water
One can’t advise enough how water is important to our bodies and metabolism. If you are at risk of bloating, don’t cut down your water, drink enough that will help you manage the problem. Drinking water also helps you burn calories. Water also hydrates and detoxifies your body.
Image Source: www.abc.net.au
8Get a regular health check-up
Every two years or less, you should go for a health check-up. Regular doctor checkups are recommended every 6 to 8 months or so. It may sound impractical but you’ll be surprised how fast your body can adapt to your lifestyle changes if they aren’t healthy as weight can be gained within a month. Moreover as mentioned, you could also take various tests for your heart function like an EEG or ECG, blood pressure, a thyroid test, triglycerides, a routine blood, stool and urine test, a liver function test and a kidney function test like an ACR (albumin to creatinine ratio) and GFR or (glomerula filtration rate). These sound extensive but they are actually not because almost all of them can be tested from a one-time draw of blood. An abdominal USG scan and a chest x-ray can also be taken. However, consult with your doctor the tests you need to take to check your health status as health conditions vary from individual to individual.
The advantages of taking such tests will help you understand how fast or slow your body adapts to lifestyle changes and the present status of your health which if not very good can be stabilized by making lifestyle changes through diet and physical activity.
Image Source: vvouves.com