Home / Health / Reasons Why You Still Don’t Lose Weight Even After Drinking Green Tea

Reasons Why You Still Don’t Lose Weight Even After Drinking Green Tea

By Andrew Alpin, 24 October 2017


2The possible reasons why you aren’t losing weight drinking green tea


By now you must be truly puzzled that despite such ingredients, you aren’t able to lose weight drinking green tea. Is there something wrong with you?? Well unless you aren’t suffering from a hormonal or thyroid disorder, then there is no reason for you not to lose weight when drinking green tea unless you are doing all of these things wrong. In most cases, weight gain in spite of drinking green tea could be due to several factors of physiology or lifestyle. Here are ten points why you could be gaining weight in spite of drinking green tea. 

drinking green tea

Image Source: www.homeremediesforlife.com

3Medical conditions


When your body doesn’t respond to weigh losing agents like green tea, then you need to explore the medical or physiological angle first. A thyroid disorder called hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid producing less thyroid hormone thus reducing your metabolism and capacity to burn fat. The only way to counteract this is to get a thyroid test and a consultation with your doctor. Estrogen builds up in women and hormonal changes post pregnancy or menopause, insulin resistance and diabetes are also factors that could increase rapid weight gain. 

Medical conditions obesity

Image Source: www.faithpanda.com

4You aren’t drinking enough green tea


When not suffering from any medical condition and your green tea isn’t working for you then its most probably you aren’t drinking the required amount necessary for losing weight. A research study at Anglia Ruskin University involving volunteers who were given 571 mg of decaffeinated green tea extracts. Combined with cycling 1 hour every day, the volunteers indeed lost weight. However! To get the benefits of green tea to lose weight, you may have to drink between 5 to 7 cups a day for optimal effect. While green tea contains many beneficial ingredients, not all contribute to weight loss except for the ingredient EGCG. 

green tea ingredients

Image Source: www.eatthis.com

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