You have heard about green tea for weight loss and you have been drinking it but yet you don’t observe any effects? Before you deny all those websites promoting the effects of green tea for weight loss, stop for a minute and think. Maybe you might be falling in the category of those people not losing weight in spite of drinking green tea. So!! What could be the problem?? There could be plenty and it has nothing to do with green tea. There could be several factors counteracting the weight loss benefits of green tea. There could also be many factors in play that may be helping you gain weight. You may be doing certain things wrong or consuming a diet too rich in carbohydrate and sugar. Before discussing such factors, take a look at green tea itself and how does it make you lose weight.
1What is green tea?
Everyone knows what green tea is per se, well for starters it is tea that looks green and that’s about how important it is for some. But strictly speaking, green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on earth. Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis leaves that do not undergo the same oxidation process as black tea. It contains several substances like antioxidants beneficial for health. When you see a number of ingredients in green tea, you can’t really doubt its beneficial effects for weight loss so why aren’t you losing weight. Ingredients in green tea:
- Catechins: Astringency and antioxidant component that decreases cholesterol, body fat, prevent cancer
- Caffeine: Increases focus, alertness, increases energy and stamina, diuretic
- Theanine: Gives tea flavor, reduces blood pressure, cell protection, relaxes
- Vitamins: green tea contains vitamins B2, C, Folic acid, beta-carotene, vitamin E all good for healthy firm skin, anti-aging and night vision.
- Saponins & Aminobutyric acid (GABA): reduces blood pressure
- Minerals (Potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorous): Biological regulators good for health
- Chlorophyll: Deodorizer
- EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate): The main ingredient in green tea that increases metabolism to burn fat.

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