Home / NEWS / Ladies Who Embraced Their Beards Unapologetically

Ladies Who Embraced Their Beards Unapologetically

By Ashish Ranjan, 16 January 2018


7Initially, Harnaam was disappointed and wanted to take her own life


Initially, Harnaam used to feel embarrassed because of the facial hairs. She even thought about ending her own life because of it. But, she gained a lot of confidence when she decided to throw the razor and embrace the beard. When Harnaam hit puberty at the age of 11, she started noticing that there is a lot more hair growing on her face. She had to face bully at school because of it.

Initially, Harnaam was disappointed and wanted to take her own life

Image Source: www.express.co.uk

8Bearded ladies are brave and strong, she says.


“I was so close to ending it all. As I battled with the voice in my head telling me to ‘do it’ I fought with all my soul and said ‘no I f***ing won’t. I woke up to [realize that] being called a bearded lady isn’t an insult at all. Bearded ladies are brave, strong, passionate, resilient, forgiving, compassionate, powerful, beautiful, empowered, courageous, kind, gregarious, sincere, sexy… Why wouldn’t I want to be one?” she said.

Bearded ladies are brave and strong, she says

Image Source: www.pinknews.co.uk

9Drag queen Conchita Wurst was in beard during concert


However, there are more bearded ladies who are not biological women. Drag queen Conchita Wurst won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014 and while doing so she caught the attention of the world bigtime. She appeared bearded in the contest and shocked many people across the globe. People were in doubts why a drag queen had chosen to keep the masculine feature.

Drag queen Conchita Wurst was in beard during concert

Image Source: www.pictureicon.com

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