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Scientists Reveal the Indispensable Exercises That Can Help Us Live Longer

By Andrew Alpin, 12 January 2018


Not everyone knows that health is wealth. There are many who simply ignore what it takes to remain healthy and live longer. The reason for good health isn’t only to ensure you live longer, but to have a better quality of life as you age. You have just one life and by making it healthy, you live a fulfilling a happy one enjoying each and every cherished moment with your family and loved ones rather than having them visit you in a hospital several times a year

1The key to good health


Good health doesn’t mean being a fitness freak or a gym enthusiast who develops and obsession of going to the gym every single day. It’s simply eating healthy, avoiding unhealthy food, being physically active with some exercise at least thrice a week and of course positive thinking. The key to long life is to ensure your body is in good condition and the more flexible you are is proof that your bones are still supple and not rigid or brittle. Take the following tests to see where you measure up and here is the exercise to live longer

The key to good health

Image Source: www.eatrightontario.ca

2How to test your body’s age


Warm up by stationery jogging or brisk walking up and down a room.  If you have a treadmill at home then ten minutes on that will help pump up your metabolism a bit.

Now perform a forward stretch by bending over and trying to touch your toes or the floor with your hands, How far do you go. Don’t bend your legs and back too should be straight. Now make a mental mark of where your hand reached and stand up.

How to test your body’s age

Image Source: www.girlscosmo.com

Your Test results


3At 20-25 years, you should be able to touch the floor easily


If you can touch the floor easily with your legs straight, it means your muscles are still flexible and relaxed. If you couldn’t, then take note, you aren’t very flexible for your age. Did you know that if you stop exercising or reduce your physical activity, you lose your flexibility? Once you start trying to touch your toes again every day, you will find yourself improving day by day. You just need to commit yourself to start.

At 20-25 years, you should be able to touch the floor easily

Image Source: www.caak.mn

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