The curiosity of the human mind has made them go to almost every place on this earth. So many amazing places have been discovered and found by explorers and travelers that at times, it feels like every place on the planet can be accessed by anyone. But, that is so not true! Do you know there are some places where most normal people cannot go, and the reasons vary from being natural to geographical to religious and what not! So, today we are going to tell you about some of the most interesting places in the world, where you might want to go but actually cannot go due to the restrictions.
1Snake Island of Brazil
As the name suggests, this island has a huge population of snakes, and it is because of this fact only that the place is not open for the public. Officially known as Ilha da Queimada Grande, this island is one of the most dangerous ones in the world. The island in the Atlantic Ocean is home to the most venomous snakes including the golden lancehead, which is considered to be highly poisonous. No one can live on this island and only the members of Brazilian Navy and some researchers from the Brazilian federal conservation unit can go to this place.

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2Cincinnati Subway in Ohio, USA
Regarded as the biggest set of abandoned stations and tunnels in the United States Of America, the Cincinnati Subway was being built in the 20th century. The construction work was stopped in 1928 due to escalating costs which were felt the most during the Great Depression of the 1920s and 1930s. In fact, during construction some accidents happened on the site and it is said that the spirits of the workers who got killed in those accidents still roam around the halls of the subway station. This place has never seen a customer, but due to the curiosity among people, Cincinnati Advance conducts tours to the subway twice a year.

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