Besides the entertainment, we are always on the lookout to provide you with valuable health information that exists on the internet. There is never enough information that can help control diabetes being a silent killer because of the related health conditions associated with it, the worst being kidney failure. As per the CDC (center for disease and prevention) more than 100 million people live with diabetes or pre-diabetes.
1It isn’t sugar that directly causes diabetes it is problems and disbalance in insulin
Now in case you didn’t know, lack of insulin leads to the dysfunctional metabolism of sugar into cells of the body leading to type 2 diabetes. However, insulin resistance also leads to the condition of diabetes where the cells in your body stop responding to insulin which helps cells absorb sugar or glucose for energy or storage as fat. It is this condition that besides causing type 2 diabetes also leads to prediabetes and gestational diabetes.
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2Doctors concern themselves more in checking your blood sugar
Doctors concern themselves more with tests to diagnose your sugar levels in fasting and post fasting state but by that time, your sugar levels have already spiked. What about the condition in your body involving dysfunctional insulin resistance that starts much before leading up to the problem of high blood sugar? This can be checked too?? Did you know that? But first, read how insulin resistance happens.
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3So when does Insulin resistance start?
According to Doctor Mark Hyman who writes in his own blog Insulin resistance isn’t a condition that occurs in a day. It builds up gradually. This happens because of worldwide diets of people depending more on a carb rich diet that includes potatoes, pastas, white rice, white bread, sugars, and liquid calories from sugary drinks. This places more pressure on your insulin to work overtime where your body’s demand for insulin increases to keep sugar in check. Ultimately, your cells start becoming resistant to insulin effect on them leading to insulin resistance.
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4What happens in insulin resistance?
Insulin resistance has a negative impact on your body increasing aging and faster deterioration. Insulin resistance is one of the worst and probably the biggest culprit that causes aging prematurely and invites the risk of associated diseases like heart problems. Stroke, dementia, cancer and ultimately diabetes and kidney failure. One also experiences food cravings, inflammation, high blood pressure, blood clot problems and the like.
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5Insulin misbalance causes several problems
As your insulin levels increase, the insulin resistance also increases. Soon your triglycerides increase, obesity sets in and post-meal fatigue. Your good cholesterol (HDL) goes down too increasing bad cholesterol. However what may now seem surprising to you is that if you are made aware of these conditions in time, you can reverse all these problems with changes in lifestyle and diet.
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