A photographer with the name of Eric Lafforgue is known for his good works across the world. Recently, he traveled to the bastion of Kim Jong-Un and saw life from very close. He has ventured into North Korea six times since 2008. He was carrying digital memory cards which allowed him to store his works.
Lafforgue said, "I was treated like any other tourist. They didn't allow me to take pictures of the police, the army, etc. But with a 300mm zoom lens and a seat in the back of the bus, I could take so many. As soon as they were opening a new area to visit I tried to go and see it, documenting the place."
When Lafforgue completed his 6th trip to North Korea in 2012, he started sharing photographs online but they started demanding to take down the images from the internet. He said, “I refused as I show all the aspects of North Korea: the good and the bad. Just like I do with any country I visit. I refused to make an exception for North Korea and they didn't like this.
Lafforgue was banned from entering North Korea again. But, Lafforgue recounts his trips to the country as memorable one and says that North Koreans are actually warm people. He said, “During homestay meals in the countryside, I could speak with the locals for hours, thanks to my guides. They told me so much about how they live, what they dream of, and so on. The main thing to know is that North Koreans are warm people, very curious about the visitors and very generous, even though most of them own nearly nothing.
Here are the pictures that Lafforgue took during his visit to North Korea:
1Woman standing amidst the crowd of soldiers
The picture shows a woman standing amidst the crowd of soldiers. Army pictures are not allowed to be taken by the authorities. But, Lafforgue was brave enough to take this picture.
Image source: www.boredpanda.com
2Computers Without Electricity
The families in North Korea loves to show that their children have computers at home. But, they also struggle with electricity issues sometimes and they want to hide those lacunae.
Image source: www.boredpanda.com
3Soldier helping local farmers
The soldiers in North Korea is not always known for their atrocities. Sometimes, you can also spot a soldier helping local farmers. In the picture, a soldier is seen carrying woods for a farmer.
Image source: www.dailymail.co.uk
4Small roads of Samijyon
The kid shown in the picture is braving a bus on the road. It is a rare sight of an undisciplined kid in North Korea. The bus was traveling in the small roads of Samijyon in the North when the kid stood right in the middle of the road against the bus.
Image source: www.ntnews.com.au
5Man collecting grass from a park