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15 Human Body Parts That We May Find Disappearing In The Future

By Andrew Alpin, 17 October 2017


Charles Darwin in his “The Descent of Man” identified 15 body parts that he described as useless. Even though Darwin’s catalog wasn’t exactly complete, there are several body parts that aren’t really needed. Take a look at 15 body parts not needed and may soon vanish in future.

1Body hair


Although our eyebrows keep the sweat away from our eyes, the other hair on body parts serve no purpose. Males and females soon may evolve into human beings with o chest hair, facial hair etc. 

Body hair

Image Source: www.nyt.com

2Paranasal sinuses


These are troublesome mucus lined cavities whose sole function is irritation and to lighten our heads but other than that there is o other function. Perhaps we would be better off without them. 

Paranasal sinuses

Image Source: www.wikimedia.org

3Extrinsic ear muscles


Rabbits and dogs are able to move their ears independently because of these muscles but other than wiggling ears, for humans, these serve no purpose and can’t be used for a similar function. 

Extrinsic ear muscles

Image Source: www.topomania.ru

4Wisdom teeth


Wisdom teeth are a nuisance which come out when you’re older and invite the risk of being impacted. Prehistoric man chewed plants for calories in order to survive but yet today just 5% of the population has healthy but useless wisdom teeth. Hopefully, these will disappear in the future. 

Wisdom teeth

Image Source: www.studiodentaire.com

5Neck rib


Neck ribs are a set of cervical ribs which could have been a leftover of evolution from reptiles and appears in less than 1 % of the population. Some have it on the left or right while others may have both. All they do is cause nerve and artery problems.

Neck rib

Image Source: www.nhs.uk

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