There is more and more proof that humans and all other living things have an energy field around them. Scientists are still trying to figure out what things are good and bad for your energy fields. You may have heard, for example, that talking positively around a plant makes it grow and become stronger. So, how can humans improve their health? Surprisingly one natural method exists that most people consider unhealthy- earthing (walking barefoot).
Even though there were supposed risks, it turns out that walking around barefoot, also called “Earthing,” is good for your overall health. If you smile when you think about walking barefoot as a child, you will likely still like it now because it makes you feel free. Scientists have found out what happens to your body when you walk around without shoes.
11 Tales about the benefits of walking barefoot have existed for hundreds of years
Stories about the benefits of walking “connected to the Earth,” or “Earthing,” have been around for hundreds of years. The idea is that the closer you are to the earth, the more of its energy you can pick up through your feet.

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10 It may sound like nonsense
At first, it sounds a bit silly. After all, haven’t you also been told not to run around without shoes on? You are told to make sure your feet are dry when you get out of the shower, or else you could get foot fungus. People say that if you walk in the dirt, you might step on parasites, bacteria, or bugs that can get into your skin. Lastly, you are warned about broken glass, nails, and other sharp things that can injure you if you step on them.

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9 How earth’s energy was found
The energy field or frequency of the earth is unique. In 1952, W.O. Schumann, a German physicist and professor at the University of Munich, started trying to show that the earth had a frequency. He based his ideas on the fact that there is electrical tension when a sphere is inside another sphere. Since the earth is a negatively charged sphere inside a positively charged ionosphere, the tension between the two should create a charge. He did some math and found out that the frequency was 10hz.

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8 Schumann collaborated with fellow scientist Herbert Konig on the subject
Schumann joined forces with another scientist, Herbert Konig, in 1954. They worked together to figure out that it was 7.83 Hz. It is now known as the Schumann Resonance, and scientists agree on it.
Its official definition is- “The Earth’s surface possesses a limitless and continuously renewed supply of free or mobile electrons. The surface of the planet is electrically conductive (except in limited ultra-dry areas such as deserts), and its negative potential is maintained (i.e., its electron supply replenished) by the global atmospheric electrical circuit.”

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