Home / Health / The harmful effects of Microwave Cooking and how it can impact your health

The harmful effects of Microwave Cooking and how it can impact your health

By Andrew Alpin, 27 March 2017


4 The diseases caused by Microwave cooking


Studies have found that radiation caused by microwaves can alter and cause irregular heartbeats. Moreover due to the lack of nutrients, microwave food weakens immunity and makes you susceptible to disease. Insomnia, birth defects, cataract, and fatigue it also increases the risk of diabetes, stroke and cancer.

The biggest problem caused by Microwave cooking is that it robs food of antioxidants vital for boosting your immunity to disease. Anti oxidants also protect us from free radicals which are the prime agents of cancer.

The diseases caused by Microwave cooking

Image Source: www.slidesharecdn.com

5 To microwave or not to microwave


This is the big question. There is no perfect answer to what may now seem to you as confusing. If microwaves can kill you, so can body fat and all the junk food out there too. To use the microwave as a convenient appliance for emergencies and warming food may be acceptable provided you use the highest quality of vessels. Moreover, if using a microwave creates benefits that outweighs the risks and helps you maintain your body weight then isn’t that acceptable too?

Ideally no one should be using a microwave but for a busy bee wanting to shed weight it can help. It would make more sense eating microwaved sweet potatoes along with a serving of leafy greens and lean protein rather than trying to maintain a raw diet for a few days and gorging on steaks thereafter.

Thinking in the kitchen

Image Source: www.spectator.co.uk

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