The happiness in a country is considered to be a good parameter to judge its success. As per the latest study, countries like Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Finland, Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Sweden are happiest in the world. The list of the happiest countries in the world had 156 countries in total.
The study considered the parameters like per capita gross domestic product, healthy years of life expectancy, trust and perceived freedom to make life choices were taken into consideration.
Norway tops the chart of happiest country in the world. One of the driving factors was per capita income of $62,510 per year. The country has a good balance of prosperity, and social capital, meaning a high degree of trust in a society, low inequality and confidence in government. The country scores good on the parameters of caring, freedom, generosity, honesty, health, income and good governance.
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The country boasts of a per capita income of almost $61,000 per year. Minimum wages in Denmark are around $20 per hour. The Danish unions have strong workers' rights. As far as the popular belief goes, money is not as important as social life in Denmark.
One of the hallmarks of the country is that the Danish society doesn’t judge other people’s lives. There is also an encouraging life expectancy figures as Danes on average live 80 years. Danes have the strong belief in their government and they perceive it less corrupt.
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