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12 Unusual Ways to Get Rid Of Excess Calories with Minimal Effort

By Andrew Alpin, 22 April 2018


When we resolve to lose weight the most common methods which come to mind are dieting, exercising and engaging in other forms of exhausting physical activities. However, no one would have even thought that weight loss can be done by extremely easy, yet surprisingly simple methods like watching a movie. All you need to know is what movie to watch. Turns out that this isn’t the only minimal effort weight-loss method there is. In fact, you can burn a lot of calories with these unusual but effective methods.



Shopping may not seem like a big deal but it is quite a tiring activity. Shopping can, sometimes, go on for hours and the bags that accumulate from each purchase and can turn into a weighted workout very similar to a ‘farmers walk’. In short, a 3 hour long shopping expedition can be the same as working out on a stationary bike for an hour, both of which burn the same amount of calories (500 calories). 

happy girl doing shopping

Image Source: chainimage.com



While some may dread having to clean their rooms or just having to clean in general, bear in mind that cleaning works out your entire body thereby helping you remain fit and active. You can burn at least 85-170 calories a day from just 30 minutes of cleaning or a thorough clean up. This is the same as performing abdominal workouts for 15 minutes. 


Image Source: www.dreams.metroeve.com



This seems like a more luxurious way to burn calories. Just drinking a glass of dry red wine is equal to an hour-long workout at the gym, as stated by researchers from the University of Alberta, in Canada. In fact, wine has certain compounds and resveratrol that when ingested, converts white fat to brown and facilitates the heart rate and muscle productivity.

having alcohol

Image Source: ebuddynews.com



You may not believe it, but singing actually does help in burning calories as it uses various different and tiny muscle groups. Singing for an hour is the same as doing intensive push-ups for 15 minutes. Both burn the same 500 calories. 


Image Source: thematicnews.com



Sleep directly affects your overall figure and if you wish to maintain your figure you will try to maintain a proper sleep schedule. Research has stated that your body burns additional calories while you sleep. Furthermore, sleeping naked for a month can potentially increase your metabolism and brown-fat cells. 


Image Source: prikolyuxi.ru

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