Home / Science and Tech / Get ready to be served a glass of lemonade over internet using this awesome tech

Get ready to be served a glass of lemonade over internet using this awesome tech

By Jatin Sharma, 7 April 2017


2 Watch How the tech works?


Colors and acidity of the lemonade was captured by the sensors attached in the glass of real lemonade. This information was then uploaded to a digital tumbler at the receiver’s end, which was also connected with sensors and LED lights. Internet was used to transmit this data and electrical stimulation tricked the taste buds into tasting the sourness, while LED lights mimicked the color of lemonade.

The scientists used 13 people to taste the real and virtual lemonade, without informing them which was real and which was virtual. Results revealed that though majority of participants tasted the real lemonade, they said that virtual lemonade was much sourer than the real one.

This technology has many uses and a firm has already started working towards making the best use of it. 

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