Have you noticed lately how your newsfeed in Facebook has become inundated with advertisements and pages promoting products and agendas of various news sites, brands and companies? What exactly is your newsfeed? It’s your timeline on which you see pages and pages of content, irrelevant articles pushed by news companies, advertisements and product selling pages pushed by brands and various commercial content.
1Facebook News feed about to change
What happens is that you see very little content relating to your friends and family. In short, you get less of social networking and more of promoted content. But all that is about to change for the better after Zuckerberg announced a change in the presentation of Facebook Newsfeed yesterday.

Image Source: www.nextinpact.com
2Have you wondered why you don’t see posts by certain friends even though they are in your friends list?
There is such a thing called an algorithm and your news feed isn’t an unlimited space in terms of technicalities. Thus if you suddenly decided to view for example a news bulletin or video content, a news site, or a brand promoting a brand sale, the algorithms picks up your preference and continues showing you more of that on your timeline or news feed.
If you clicked on an article pushed by a page owned by a blog website, then you will start seeing more of that too every day as an algorithm after all is artificial intelligence that doesn’t possess the common sense to understand you’ve just viewed the content out of curiosity and just because you liked it that doesn’t mean you want to see everything that site pushes every day.

Image Source: www.amazonaws.com
3You will always be shown more of what you click and comment on everyday
What happens is that more and more of such content shows up on your news feed and that friend whose content you didn’t click on or liked or shared, slowly gets relegated to the background all because of limited space. Thus the algorithm interprets your clicks as your preference. You see more commercial content and less of social content related to family and friends. But!! Mark Zuckerberg has realized that and is now going back to Facebook roots to change this for your benefit.
Yesterday the 12th of January 2018 was a significant day for Facebook users fed up of their news feed being cluttered by commercialization. Zuckerberg has ordered the entire revamping of Facebook’s algorithm to boost and promote more meaningful posts from friends and family. This means Facebook is now going back to its roots to be more the social network it was meant to be and not just a place for news sites and brands to push their wares.

Image Source: blueprintinteractive.com