12Threatens you of leaving
Altercations are a part of every relationship. But if it reaches a point where a partner threatens to leave you for every small argument that you both have, it is not healthy for your relationship. It can’t be that only partner makes mistakes and the other is perfect. Threatening to leave is a sign of putting you in the spot, feeling vulnerable, helpless so that you agree to their demands. Disputes should be settled in an amicable manner. Those that threaten to leave may already be emotionally distant in the relationship and looking to walk out.

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13Emotional blackmail
Getting you to comply to their demands by resorting to doing something that could hurt you can be called an emotional blackmail. People resort to this to take the control in their hands. They wish to call the shots while the other partner just follows them. Your partner tells you that there is a show this weekend and you both need to attend it. You are busy during this weekend and cannot go with him. Upon hearing this, your partner looks you in the eye and states that he would be spending time with his friends every weekend as they accommodate him better. This could leave you in a fix as you don’t want that to happen. You are being made to choose between going with him or turning in some assignment late which could anger your boss. Your partner enjoys the dilemma you are in as it gives him a sense of control over you. If you find yourself giving in too often to such unreasonable demands, know that you are being exploited by your partner.
14Uses Kids against you
If your partner resorts to using your kids against you, he is not only spoiling the peace and harmony at home but also abusing the kids. Children are like a clean slate, they are made to learn whatever is written over it. If your partner talks ill about you to your kids and asks them to convey his hurtful messages to you, it is exploitation. He has taken you and the kids for granted. If he threatens to harm the kids if you don’t give in to his demands, it is exploitation.

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15Turns your friends against you
If you find your partner keeping in touch with your friends more than usual and you find them avoiding you or joining your partner in mocking you, it is certain that you are being exploited. He has no business to do that! You must quickly identify his intentions and act fast. No one that loves another would ever do such a thing. Exploitation takes place right in front of you, day after day and you may find yourself unable to object to it strongly, due to reasons. Well, whatever those might be, it is very wrong to subject yourself to torture when you can very well set yourself free from it.

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