4Expects you to host people without taking your consent
Entertaining can work as a stress buster only when both partners agree to host their guests. If you’re just back from work and find half a dozen uninvited guests (for you) waiting for dinner, it can get quite stressful. Though you might end up doing your bit, it may not exactly be a happy affair.
5Borrows stuff from you without your permission
If your partner borrows stuff from you without taking your consent, know that he has taken you for granted. While it somewhat okay to lend your favorite things, it is certainly not right to pick up your stuff without asking you. Some of them don’t even bother returning them and even if they do, the item would be in bad shape.

Image Source: www.someecards.com
6Humiliates/corrects you in public
There is a time and place for everything. If you find your partner embarrassing you in public by either correcting you by yelling, reprimanding or mocking, he is insensitive. He may not care much for you which is why he would be indulging in public humiliation.
7Compares you with others all the time
In a relationship, it is very important for both partners to accept each other as they are. This does not include abuse or bad behavior. If your partner ends up comparing you with someone else all the time, know that he is either trying to make you insecure, unsure about your self-worth or that he may no longer be interested in you. Trying to bring about a change is okay when there is no deliberate comparison.

Image Source: www.soapsquawk.co.uk