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12 Exercises Women Over 40 Should Do Every Week

By Varun Dwarkani, 2 February 2018


7Exercises for Arthritis


Risk of developing arthritis increases with growing age. Chronic joint pain and stiffness can affect individuals of all ages especially those who have suffered join injury before or are overweight, according to Arthritis Foundation. Strength training is one of the best ways to prevent aches and pains. It decreases pain associated with arthritis. Exercises to perform include squat, deadlift and overhead press to strengthen the joints and muscles. This workout should be done at least 2-3 times a week.

Exercises for Arthritis

Image Source: www.prevention.com

8Exercise for fighting depression


Women between the age of 40-60 have increased the risk of depression which declines their physical as well as mental health. Though any exercise can help stave off anxiety and depression, research has shown that yoga is the perfect exercise for reducing stress and maintaining the mood. Yoga increases the level of GABA, mood-regulating neurotransmitter that is deficient in those with depression and anxiety. Many women who tried yoga for three months have stated that they felt mentally relaxed after doing it. Yoga should be done at least thrice a week to help avoid depression.

Exercise for fighting depression

Image Source: mloovi.com

9Exercise for back pain


Most people experience back pain between the ages 30 to 40 and it becomes very common with growing age, according to research conducted by National Institute of Arthritis, a division of National Institute of Health. Plank is a great exercise to help avoid back pain as it tones all the core muscles of the body. Not only it works on abs, but also the muscles around the chest and the spine region. As these muscles tighten up, entire midsection tightens which ultimately supports the lower bank keeping it pain-free. A plank should be held for 90 seconds at least 3 times a week.

Exercise for back pain

Image Source: www.lifehack.org

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