11Green tea
Green tea is yet another liquid remedy for your sunspot treatment. It's great for your skin because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. And the best thing is that you can use a tea bag to pat, and not by any means rub, the skin. How simple is that?

Image Source: brightsideplanet.com
12Coconut water
When it comes to treating your skin, coconut water is the way to go because of its bleaching effect. And the use is pretty simple, you apply, let it dry, and then reapply as often as you wish.
With that said, now let's talk about some dairy products that happen to be good for your skin.

Image Source: baomoi.com
Buttermilk, you know, the liquid that's left after butter was churned out of the milk, is quite good for your skin as it contains lactic acid which helps remove those persisting dark skin cells you can't seem to get rid of. You need to soak a cotton ball in buttermilk, put it on the troubled area and leave it for approximately 20 minutes before rinsing.

Image Source: brightside.me
14 Use Yogurt for Good Skin
Yogurt is yet another dairy product that's pretty good for your skin. The effect is similar to that of the buttermilk; only, as you know, yogurt is probably way easier to find at the local supermarket. Just look for one with no additives and use it on the whole body when you have sunburns, and voila.

Image Source: www.troab.com
15 Spices for Sunspot Treatment
When it comes to spices, turmeric and sandalwood are the best choices for your sunspot treatment as they both have antiseptic properties. Not only that but sandalwood is also quite known for eliminating hyperpigmentation and reducing dullness. For best results, you can mix it with some lemon juice and apply to the troubled areas, let it dry and then rinse. As far as turmeric is concerned, it is for the best that you mix it with the oils mentioned above.

Image Source: brightside.me