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8 Easy Picture Tests That Will Tell You If You Are A Genuine Introvert or Not

By Andrew Alpin, 27 December 2017


9What your tests reveal for those who found the items easily


If you found all the items easily without any botheration, then you are an introvert who possesses exceptional observation skills. You focus correctly and have the ability to spot tiny details. You prefer a quiet and solitude evening by yourself rather than attend a noisy party with friends. You are also a person who does not like revealing emotions to others.

What your tests reveal for those who found the items easily

Image Source: www.quora.com

10If you were bored and lost patience


If you got a bit bored of trying to look for the items and eventually lost patience, then you are most probably an extrovert. You are an emotional but highly active human being but you find it difficult to stay in one place. You love communicating and reaching out to people but also like attracting attention.

If you were bored and lost patience

Image Source: www.incimages.com

11If you experienced difficulty but managed to pass the test


If you found the test difficult but still persisted till you passed all questions, then you belong to a unique type called ambiverts which is gaining more prominence in modern society. You are extremely talented. You also learn to adapt to multiple surroundings when you are required to do so. It is easy for you to communicate and you can just about talk to almost anyone.

If you experienced difficulty but managed to pass the test

Image Source: www.talentsmart.com

12What Carl Jung said about being introvert or extrovert?


According to the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl C Jung, there isn’t such a thing as a pure introvert or pure extrovert because if there was, then that person would be in a lunatic asylum. The biggest difference between introverts and extroverts is how they stimulate themselves.

Extroverts recharge themselves by placing themselves in stimulating environments while introverts recharge themselves by spending time alone. They do this because of the need for a break from the stimulating environment of work and social life. But it is the ambivert which is the most surprising personality type slowly turning into a majority. Ambiverts recharge themselves through a combination of alone time and social interaction.

What Carl Jung said about being introvert or extrovert

Image Source: www.youtube.com

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