Home / Health / Chiropractor Advises: Don’t Sleep On Your Right Side If You Value Your Health

Chiropractor Advises: Don’t Sleep On Your Right Side If You Value Your Health

By Andrew Alpin, 4 February 2018


5Sleeping on the left digests food faster and improves elimination of toxins


Now picture what could be going on inside your body when you sleep on the right? Both these two organs are under pressure. After you retire, the undigested toxins in your body make their way from your small intestines to the large intestine. From here they make their way into your colon from which they are eliminated through bowel movements. Sleeping on the left helps smooth passage of this process. Experts feel that after a heavy meal if you nap on the left side, it will improve digestion of the meal providing you faster energy.

Sleeping on the left digests food faster

Image Source: www.metdaan.com

6How it affects your Heart Health


As you know, your heart is located on the left of your body which is a big reason to sleep on the left so that your heart is in a supported position. In this position, even circulation improves where there is improved blood flow to your heart. Sleeping on the left prevents any stress and pressure on the heart.

How it affects your Heart Health

Image Source: www.thehealthflash.com

7How it affects Pregnancy


Pregnant women should sleep on their left side period. In that position, you get relieved from pressure on your back and improve blood flow to the uterus and your little fetus growing inside you.  A common problem in pregnancy is spinal issues. This can be relieved when you sleep on the left side.

Sleeping on the left side increases nutrient flow to the placenta vital for the health of your baby. The ideal position for a pregnant woman to sleep in is on the left with a pillow between your knees that should be bent.

How it affects Pregnancy

Image Source: www.wellroundedny.com

8How it relieves snoring


If you are keeping your partner awake with the incessant snoring, then try seeping on the left side because then your throat and tongue is in a neutral position. This clears the airways helping you to breathe effectively. If you are habituated in snoring, then sleeping on your back will only increase the problem because your throat muscles are pushed to the back of the throat.

How it relieves snoring

Image Source: www.sleepheavn.com

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