The Dikul Workout system can be considered as a life-changing method of exercising for anyone who has been suffering from back pain. The fast-paced life of these times has increased the occurrences of injuries and diseases of the spine. According to a study, 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain and 27% of the pain is located in the lower back, while 15% in the neck. Most of us keep living a life while facing these pains day in and day out. We have almost made the pain a companion of sorts, only suppressing the symptoms and not working to be fully relieved from the pain.
What if we tell you that you can actually live a life where you experience no back pain? Yes, this is true! We are going to share an inspirational story with you all, which is going to make you believe that you too can walk without pain.

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1Valentin Dikul
Valentin Dikul started his career as a circus gymnast and is currently the head of the Rehabilitation and Medical Center where people with musculoskeletal system diseases are treated in Russia. Dikul had a very rough childhood as he lost his parents at a very young age. He dreamt of becoming a circus artist, which he did become later in life.

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In 1962, he had an accident while performing, when a steel cross beam suddenly broke and he fell from a safety wire which was standing at a height of 40 ft. He sustained a brain injury and multiple fractures, one in the spine as well. The doctors had said that he could never walk again.

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2How the workout system came into being?
Anyone could lose hope after such an accident but, Dikul was not ready to accept this condition as his fate and started exercising. He first trained his upper body and then started to engage his paralyzed limbs like they were healthy. In one of the exercises, he tied a rope to his limbs and pulled them up; and then used weights to create a counterbalance.

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He designed this ‘exercise machine’, and an entire workout system through which he not only stood on his feet but even became one of the strongest men on Earth. The boy who was told that he could not walk again went on to have his name registered in the Guinness Book of World Records for juggling weights.

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His greatest achievement though has been the creation of a rehabilitation centre for people with spinal injuries, where the Dikul workout system is taught to patients.

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