2Revelation at Oprah's Show
That is when, Carson Kressley, a fashion expert and celebrity stylist flew out to Alberta to help Dawn before joining up with “The Oprah Winfrey Show”. “There’s always that little girl in me that feels that she’s overweight. And I’ve always thought that if I had the hair, they’re going to look at the hair and they’re not going to look at me." This is what Dawn confessed to Carson when he arrived at her home. This confession revealed that behind all the augmentations and cosmetic surgeries and makeup, there was little overweight girl who wasn't happy with her appearance. It was quite a sad revelation. Kressley encouraged and motivated her to remove the extra thick layers of makeup and asked her to redefine dressing style. She followed Kressley's advice. After her " make-under" when Dawn Williams entered Oprah's show, dressed up in shoulder-length cut wrap dress with fresh make-up, everyone's jaw dropped. The big revelation brought tears to her teenage kids eyes. She was completely unrecognizable, beyond belief. For her kids, they saw their mother's softer and delicate look for the first time in life. One commented that she looked much prettier, younger and classy after the 'make-under'. Now " Hot but in a good way."

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3The Question Whether Dawn Maintained Her 'Make-Under' Look
After sometime, as we know Oprah Winfrey frequently checks in on her guests well-being via her "Where are They Now" segments. So Oprah wanted to check whether Dawn maintained her 'make-under' new look. Oprah and others were stunned and disappointed find Dawn in her old "revealing" look. She had again hidden herself in superficial makeup and implants. Dawn confessed that she had reverted to her old ways just eight months after her 'make-under' revelation. She said it made her feel "much happier" with them.

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