Home / Health / Woman Cures Herself Of Terminal Cancer With Cannabis Oil After Doctors Gave Her 6 Weeks To Live

Woman Cures Herself Of Terminal Cancer With Cannabis Oil After Doctors Gave Her 6 Weeks To Live

By Andrew Alpin, 18 March 2018


5She feels cannabis oil should be legalized


Smith now feels that cannabis oil should be legalized for use as a medicine as people aren’t exactly recovering from cancer in spite of receiving chemo. Smith started taking cannabidiol, a nutritional supplement derived from cannabis. This is a legal product in the United Kingdom. The only problem is that her treatment also contains THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) that can give you a high and this isn’t allowed. Smith resorts to buying the oil illegally from online sources. 

cannabis oil should be legalized

Image Source: dailymail.co.uk


6What is cannabis oil?


Cannabis oil or cannabidiol (CBD) was legalized in 2016 in the UK after research found that it had a restorative and corrective effect on human physiology. But once the MHRA backtracked on its position, it confused thousands in the UK as to the legalities of CBD. The oil can be sold for medicinal purposes and with a license only. However, manufacturers have created a loophole by selling it as a supplement that would not require a license. CBD is widely regarded to cure low back pain, anxiety and epilepsy but is still to be approved in Scotland. If cannabis oil contains THC, then it is highly illegal in England.

Cannabis oil is said to release serotonin and dopamine which are the feel-good chemicals that can relieve stress, anxiety and even help insomnia. 

cannabis tree

Image Source: www.cannabisculture.com


7Smith says she wouldn’t have lived without it


Smith describes how taking cannabis oil was like eating black tar combined with olive oil but 'when you're told you have six weeks to live you'll try anything, trust me.’. Smith says she wasn’t too keen on trying it out at first as she has never done drugs but now she wants to tell everybody that had it not been for cannabis oil, she would have died. Her chemotherapy was only buying her time. Moreover, the line that delivered her chemo had to be removed after she developed sepsis. 

cannabis oil

Image Source: Asbestos.com


8Her friends helped her search for it


Smith said that it was her friends who had researched the benefits of cannabis oil online when they came across while looking for alternative cures for her. Out f the blue, she was given a cannabis tablet which she took and felt slightly drunk soon after. Her words slurred and she couldn’t even speak. After that she began her own research on cannabis oil and found how many more had benefitted from it in various ways. 

joy smith fighting cancer

Image Source: dailymail.co.uk


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