5 Poor Digestion
If you are facing digestion problems like diarrhoea, bloating, queasiness or pain, you should see a doctor for hormonal problems. There are three hormones in the gastrointestinal system (Gastrin, Secretin and Chloecystokinin), and any imbalance in them could result in digestion issues.
Craving For Sugar
If you have a craving for sugar, it could signal Hypothyroidism, a malfunction of the Thyroid gland. An adrenal overload can also cause a craving for sugar.
Hair Loss
The hormone Dyhydrotestosterone is responsible for hair loss in women. Any imbalance in this hormone can lead to baldness.
So you have seen that hormones and health are interlinked. If your hormones are out of balance, you cannot enjoy good health. It is always better to rule out hormonal imbalance when addressing health issues. Do not wait any further, act now!
Read on to know about: 7 Natural Ways to Correct Your Hormonal Imbalance for Better Health
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