There is no denying the fact that the stress experienced by today’s generation is far more than what was experienced by the earlier generations. The hectic schedules, unhealthy lifestyle, desire to achieve more in less time, etc. are some of the reasons which are increasing our stress levels and gradually they are pushing us towards the condition of emotional exhaustion or fatigue.
In order to deal with such conditions of emotional exhaustion and high levels of stress, some new trends have been introduced in the wellness industry. One such trend that is gaining popularity is “cow cuddling” and the results of this new technique are also encouraging.
However, before we get into the details of cow cuddling, let us talk about some other important things:
1Cows and their importance in our lives
Cows are the main source of milk for the human consumption. All other dairy products which have high nutritional value and are important for humans, such as curd, yogurt, cheese, ice cream and butter are made from milk. It is almost impossible for us to live without these dairy products as they have become a vital part of our lives.

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2Cuddling and hugging as wellness practices
Cuddling is holding someone close in arms for showing love and affection. However, now cuddling and hugging are also used as therapy and they have been pretty helpful in reducing the stress levels as well as in dealing with the problem of emotional fatigue. The cuddling therapy industry is getting bigger every year and more and more people are getting attracted towards it for getting de-stressed.

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3Animals in our health regime
Playing with animals can be a great stress-buster and this will be clearly known to those who have pet animals at home. However, some new trends have been picking up off-late and animals have an important part to play in them. Goat yoga and cat yoga are slowly getting popular while the newest trend in the market is cow cuddling.

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4Cuddling with four-legged friend, cow
Till now, we were talking about cuddling with humans but cuddling with cows seems to be the next big wellness trend. Yes, we are serious! This trend is growing immensely as people have shown interest towards it and are actually loving it. Cows are known to be gentle and sensitive by nature and these characteristics ensure that they make great cuddle buddies.

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5The process of cow cuddling
Basically, cow cuddling is about brushing cows, patting and rubbing them gently, sitting close to them, showering love on them and getting their love in return. If you feel a little unsafe as you would be a complete stranger to the cow and are afraid of what if she reacts violently, let us tell you that a licensed counselor and an equine specialist will be there during the whole session.

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