Home / Science and Tech / 12 Of The Most Unbelievable CGI Programmings Which Show What These Famous People Looked Like

12 Of The Most Unbelievable CGI Programmings Which Show What These Famous People Looked Like

By KK Angus, 30 March 2018


9Mary, Queen of Scots


It was widely known that Queen Mary was the most beautiful British Royal. In fact Queen Victoria or even Elizabeth I were never considered to be good looking but were known for their leadership. Mary on the other hand despite all the controversies she had been surrounded in was the most stunning. She was revealed to be a natural brunette with a sharp face and fierce eyes.

Mary, Queen of Scots

Image Source: www.lifesci.dundee.ac.uk



The most beautiful woman on earth did not at all resonate with the idea of traditional beauty. Cleopatra was consisted to be a fascinating woman who was so gorgeous, she found a place in the history books. But the reconstruction of her face told us that Cleopatra was actually beautiful in a very different way. She had a very sharp nose and deep-set eyes and while she had the classic Egyptian traits, her face also had a kind of unearthly poise.


Image Source: www.reddit.com

Cleopatra for real
It had often been said in historical documents that Cleopatra didn't look like the regular Egyptian women. She was no doubt, very beautiful, but she also had sharper features and a Mediterranean edge. After her face was reconstructed, experts could tally it to the facts about her looks.

11Maximilien de Robespierre


One of the most celebrated French politicians, Maximilien was heavily associated with the French revolution. After CGI programming, people discovered that Maximilien had a gruff face, blue eyes and a sharp nose and in fact had a very atypical French look.

Maximilien de Robespierre

Image Source: warosu.org

12Robert the Bruce


Robert the Bruce us known for God and bad reasons. The king of Scots was a celebrated warrior and after his CGI reconstruction, it was discovered that had a broad face, beady eyes and a narrow mouth.

Robert the Bruce

Image Source: twitter.com

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