Home / Science and Tech / Path Breaking New Cancer 'Vaccine' Cured 97% of Tumors in Mice. What Does That Mean for People?

Path Breaking New Cancer 'Vaccine' Cured 97% of Tumors in Mice. What Does That Mean for People?

By Andrew Alpin, 27 June 2018


9Injected directly into immune cells


The new vaccine is injected directly into a cancer tumor and reactivates T-Cells which are already inside them. The agents present in the treatment work together to stimulate the T-cells and activate their cancer pre-screening and recognition abilities to kill the tumors.

Injected directly into immune cells

Image Source: www.thesun.co.uk

10How it killed cancer cells in mice


During the animal studies, the vaccine was injected into only one tumor and that was enough for the medication to spread to other tumors killing cancer cells. When cancer spreads it is known as metastatic cancer. Active T-cells usually travel to other parts of the body in normal cases to kill cancer cells.

How it killed cancer cells in mice

Image Source: 1md.org

11Immunotherapy has proved successful in certain cancers


Immunotherapy in mice was proved successful through the research of one study published in January in the journal Science Translational Medicine. It was this study done by Doctor Levy that is being taken to the next human stage. Mice were induced with breast cancer in all 10 of their mammary pads. When they were injected with the drug, it ended up killing the tumor and also preventing the growth of future tumors.

Immunotherapy has proved successful in certain cancers

Image Source: sinclairstoryline.com

12A subject of constant research


Immunotherapy has been the subject of research for quite some time. It is also an approved treatment for cancer where CAR T Cell therapy is one such process that has now been approved for leukemia and lymphoma. The therapy removes certain immune cells from the body of a patient and is then genetically engineered and re-injected into the patient to kill cancer.

A subject of constant research

Image Source: www.genengnews.com

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