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Cancer can kill you if treated late. 10 Signs cancer may be growing may be inside your body

By Andrew Alpin, 3 March 2017


8Changes in Voice Pitch


If you notice that the tone and pitch of your voice keep changing, it could well be a symptom of larynx cancer. Lumps and tumors in the throat also cause irregular changes in voice.

Changes in Voice Pitch

Image Source: www.fokuzz.com

9Urine irregularity


Frequent or persistent weakening of your urine flow could mean an inflammation or cancer of the prostate. Changes in urine color and smell are also abnormal. Even if you notice your urine is always frothy and there is a presence of blood, get yourself checked without delay. It could be signs of urinary tract cancer.

Urine irregularity

Image Source: www.thedayonfire.com

10Persistent skin rash


A persistent cough is a common early sign of cancer. Our body tries to fight cancer by increasing white blood cells which results in an increase of blood cells in areas inflicted with cancer cells. Such areas will always feel itchy, warm, flushed and display color changes.

Persistent skin rash

Image Source: www.preventdisease.com

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