Well …when nothing else works, painkillers do come as the real hero of the day. Especially if you are unfortunate enough to be having your period while travelling or a meeting or even during an academic exam. There is simply no other way out. Consult a gynaecologist to approve painkillers so that you can take them when you need them the most. Do not medicate yourself but always consult a doctor.
Image Source: brightside.me
11Surprise surprise!!
For those ladies who don’t want to miss out on physical intimacy during their periods, you can get cozy with your partner during your period which can be relaxing. It helps the uterus to release extra amount of blood from the system…Brilliant!
Research has shown how physical stimulation down there along with penetration can produce pain relief because of pressure. It also increases a woman’s threshold by 75%. Moreover, physical intimacy (and we mean the romantic kind) helps the brain release neurotransmitters of the feel-good type like dopamine, acetylcholine, noradrenaline and serotonin that induce a feel-good high during such acts. Acetylcholine and nitric oxide help genital lubrication and increase genital blood flow.
Image Source: thehealthsite.com
12Sharpie highlighters
This is a clever period hack. Sharpie highlighters are meant for those shy girls out there who still are not ready enough to expose their tampons in schools or workplace; these are the best tools to hide away the tampons behind their flashy colourful exteriors!
Image Source: www.cetusnews.com