5His condition was becoming unbearable
Pal’s life was becoming unbearable with the weight of the tumor-bearing down on his head. Doctors advised him that brain tumor removal surgery was the only option which is why he travelled the long distance from UP to Mumbai in Maharashtra, India.
Image Source: revealyourtruth.com
6They had to cut his scalp open for brain tumor removal
Ten percent of the brain tumor had already lodged itself into Pal’s skull while the rest protruded out. For surgeons, this was a tricky and complicating factor where they had to cut open his scalp to gain access to the tumor mass. The doctors were not confident of being successful which is why the news was kept under wraps till after the surgery and stabilization of pal in recovery.
Dr. Nadkarni a professor in neurosurgery is also the head of the department in the hospital where the surgery took place. He says the size of the tumor was daunting and it worried doctors who weren’t totally confident they would be able to remove it. The tumor was compressing the brain.
Image Source: purch.com
7He began losing his vision
Dr. Nadkarni says that the tumor made it seem as if the patient Pal had two heads, one on top of the other. The pressure was so great that it had begun affecting pal’s optic nerve and impeded his vision which he was losing gradually.
Image Source: health.liputan6.com
8The biggest problem was lack of medical expertise in his village
The biggest problems Indian patients like pal have is the lack of surgery facilities and medical expertise in villages. Given the fact they are hospitals for common maladies, anyone remotely related to pal’s condition may have to travel a huge distance to seek medical help for their condition. Many in India who cannot afford quality treatment opt for government hospitals that may be attended by the best doctors but are heavily understaffed, overburdened and outnumbered by way of basic facilities because of the sheer number of patients crowding the halls every day.
Image Source: .dailymail.co.uk