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10 Types of Body Pain That Are Directly Linked To Your Emotional States

By Andrew Alpin, 28 November 2017


Life isn’t a straight smooth road; it is full of ups and downs where you can be tossed around like a boat on stormy seas. Life can fill you with both positive and negative emotions that can even impact your health. What many don’t know is the fact of the mind-body connection and just as mental states can lead to poor health, so can unexplained pain in various parts of the body be related to various mental conditions or emotional stress of some sort.

It is important to pay attention to the signals that our body sends us time to time. This helps us to recognize and treat our bodies accordingly. Such pain linked to emotional causes is also known as metaphysical pain. There have been studies to such effect proving them true like headaches and stress. Here are 10 types of pain linked to emotions or your emotional state.

1Head Pain


Stress causes headaches. That is a known fact. This can happen especially when you are facing problems that require an immediate solution and you need to use all your mental faculties in creating one. Students too can face head pain because of the mental stress of studying or the emotional trauma associated with an impending examination. According to a 2014 study at the University Hospital of University Duisburg-Essen, it was found that increased stress caused different types of headaches but was most associated with tension headaches.

If you find yourself under extreme stress, it would be a good idea to start finding ways to de-stress yourself by doing things you love. Relaxing activities are Yoga, walking in nature, sitting in a park, reading, exercise, listening to music, meditation or even painting. 

Head Pain

Image Source:: ww.hwealthline.com

2Neck pain


Neck pain manifests itself from emotional conditions faced by people who can’t let things go. It is the same when you can forgive someone or harbor a grudge against someone. Given the fact that the person may have wronged you but if you look at the situation from a different perspective, is the person worth the intensity of the emotions that are taking a toll on your health.

Another way of looking at it would be to understand that no one is perfect and if the person who has wronged you displays signs of regret, then isn’t it time to come to terms with the situation and gradually let go. It isn’t necessary to hold a person’s hand and be dramatic about the forgiving, instead, just let go of the negativity harbored in your mind and the bitterness. As long as you aren’t perfect, allow people to make mistakes now and then. 

Neck pain

Image Source: www.womenfitness.net

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