It is known as the calmness hormone, is an important inhibiting neurotransmitter in our brain. People with addiction, whether drugs, alcohol, food, caffeine, all lack GABA and therefore suffer from anti-calm symptoms, such as anxiety, stress etc. The deficiency of GABA Is also associated with chronic pain and muscle fatigue. GABA tablets can be given if you suffer from prolonged anxiety, insomnia, ADHD or chronic pain. However, too much GABA causes excessive relaxation to the point of increased sleepiness. Researchers showed that mindful exercises increases GABA more than physical exercises and is currently being used as a treatment option for dealing with addiction.

Image Source: nccih.nih.gov
5 Endorphins
They are regarded as the natural “Feeling High” chemicals in our body produced during physical exercise and also meditation. Having endorphins circulating the blood provides the body and mind with an overall state of bliss and happiness. Endorphins circulating the body can be a very rewarding feeling, mostly why some people can get addicted to exercise. They are also produced during pain as they are the natural pain relievers of our body, therefore, if you suffer from chronic pain or even emotional pain, exercising can cause your body to produce endorphins that will provide you with relief and relaxation.

Image Source: www.abundanceunleashed.com
6 Thyroxin
This is the main hormone produced by the thyroid gland and it is actually the inactive form that needs to be activated by the liver in order to be able to bring about its effects. It is responsible for digestive functions, maintenance of bones as well as brain functions but the most important function of all is controlling your metabolic rate. Having an excess or a deficiency of this hormone can result in the alternation of your metabolism which will reflect as many physical symptoms such as weight and appetite changes, depression and heat flashes. If your iodine intake is low or you are having some medication that lowers your thyroid hormone levels, you may experience fatigue, memory problems, stiff muscles, depression, weight gain, paired by decreased appetite as well as depression and infertility, intolerance to cold temperatures, low heart rate. If you notice you are always tired. Consider testing your thyroxin levels and if you are deficient increase your iodine intake and seek medical assistance.