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15 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Walking That Might Surprise You

By Milos Kitanovic, 24 June 2018


6Walking strengthens your immune system


If the study conducted at Appalachian State University in North Carolina is to be believed, 30-45 minutes daily walk increases the amount of your immune system cells, which in the long run, results in increasing your body's ability to fight disease. And if you want to go into specific numbers, just know that taking a 20-minute daily walk could reduce the risk of getting sick by 43%.

Walking strengthens your immune system

Image Source: brightside.me

7Walking can control those nasty sugar cravings


Are you tired of those nasty sugar cravings that keep preventing you from ever reaching your weight loss and fitness goals? Do you want them to keep them under your control, so they could stop ruining your health? Then you should know that it was scientifically confirmed that walking could help you a great deal in reducing these cravings. Because, according to a study conducted by the University of Exeter, not only does even the shortest of walks curb your cravings, but it also reduces the number of sweets you consume during the day and especially in these stressful situations. With that said, whenever you are feeling stressed out, consider going for a walk instead of eating candy. If only it could be that simple, huh? Try it, it doesn't cost a dime, and you could actually end up saving a lot of money.

Walking can control those nasty sugar cravings

Image Source: breakbird.com

8It slows down the aging process


Do you want to live a long and prosperous life and slow down the aging process? Yes? And so does everyone else. Sure, it's easier said than done, but the good news is that walking can help you a great deal in achieving this goal. So no matter how old you are, it's never late to start walking daily and avoid the loss of mobility at old age.

It slows down the aging process

Image Source: breakbird.com

9It helps you lose weight


It's no secret that any type of physical activity is pretty useful when it comes to losing weight. But did you know that walking could actually be the most efficient of them all? Because, unlike running, for example, walking goes easy on your heart, and not to mention the fact that it puts less pressure on your joints. As a result, it has a larger impact on your overall health. On top of that, a study conducted by the researchers from the University of Utah found that every minute of energetic walk lessens the risk of obesity by 5%.

It helps you lose weight

Image Source: www.remediesforme.com

10Walking prevents memory loss


As curious as it may sound, walking can actually help you prevent memory loss and dementia. The reasons for this lies in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF for short,) a protein that encourages the growth of new brain cells. The thing is that every time we walk, this protein is being released, so it comes as no surprise that it walking has such a positive impact on our brain.

Walking prevents memory loss

Image Source: optimal-health.com

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