7Treats boils
Tea tree oil is excellent for boils as it is medically proven to treat staph infections that can be resistant to antibiotics. Just dab a cotton ball in diluted tea tree oil and almond oil or coconut oil and apply to the boil. Do this several times a day.
Image Source: drawinglics.com
8Soothe chicken pox.
Vaccinations have eradicated chicken pox no doubt but it does occasionally rear its head and the condition isn’t pleasant being very very itchy. Scratching aggravates the condition further and will make it scar. Tea Tree oil soothes and reduces the itching and will also prevent scarring. Put five drops of tea tree oil in a bucket of lukewarm water and bathe with it. Dilute the oil in carrier oil before hand and allow soak in it for 20 minutes or longer.
Image Source: tommycat.info
Warts is another irritating and embarrassing skin condition where taking a flame to it is not the answer unless it involves cauterization on recommendation of a doctor. Tea tree oil can arrest the development of a wart and prevent further infection by drying up the fungi causing it. It is a painless method and they won’t come back. Here’s how to use it
- Wash the area around the wart
- Apply 1 drop of tea tree oil on the wart
- Apply a bandage over the area and let it remain overnight or 8 hours.
- Remove bandage and clean the entire area
- Repeat the procedure till the wart drops off. This can take up to a month or less.
Image Source: www.webmd.com
10It helps in Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a huge problem with almost 7.5 million people in the US alone. Like eczema, it causes itchy skin and a rash. It can get quite traumatic and is also triggered by stress and anxiety. The anti inflammatory properties in Tea tree oil has been proven by research as an effective natural remedy to treat psoriasis. It reduces the itching, discomfort and fights the condition by reversing it to some extent. Tea tree oil is anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral which is why it is a strong weapon against psoriasis to reduce the itching, burning and redness.
Mix 10 drops of tea tree oil with coconut oil and apply it over the affected area. Do this thrice a day till patches are gone.
Image Source: www.clinicaladvisor.com