He even has a name and goes by Brigadier Sir Nils Olav and he is a resident of the Edinburgh Zoo, Scotland. He is the mascot and Colonel in Chief of the Norwegian’s King Guard. The name Nils and the rank have been passed down to three generations of penguins and Nils is the current title holder.
Image Source: haykakan.top
Because guinea pigs are sociable animals, they aren’t allowed to be kept single. However, if one dies, you can call the rent a guinea pig service run by Priska Kung who will provide a companion for a grieving single guinea pig.
Image Source: www.spiegel.de
The phenomenon is called superfecundation. In the world, there are only 10 pairs of such twins with different fathers. Poland has one case, Spain one, USA has two and India two.
Image Source: www.pinterest.co.uk