This is Why You Should Walk Barefoot in Natural Places

By Kavita Panyam, 27 September 2017


Grounding makes you feel so much better almost immediately. Do you know why? A review by Journal Of inflammation Research has shown that grounding can lower or prevent the signs of inflammation that have been caused due to injury, heat, pain, redness, or swelling. The study tried to prove that connecting the body to the earth, causes free electrons from the earth to spread into the body thereby creating the effect of antioxidants. Grounding is also said to reduce aging considerably. It helps normalize cortisol and diurnal rhythm which is a stress hormone.

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4How does one go about Earthing and Grounding?

As it is, greenery or nature is the most sought after for unwinding from the humdrum and stress of life. Even if you spend time in such surroundings, you will feel good immediately. But when you walk barefoot, it will be an added advantage for your health issues. We mostly walk around in shoes that are made of plastic or rubber. These prevent your feet from getting grounded. When you use shoes that have soles made of leather you can easily get grounded.

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