25 Vintage Pictures of Your Parents and Grandparents Being Cooler Than You’ll Ever Be

By Andrew Alpin, 6 April 2018

16World War II Welder

Yes, there were many women welders during the war because the men were all drafted into the army and women did their bit to help.

Image Source: mix.tn.kz

17Mom with her Camarro

This was posted on Imgur by someone with the caption “my mom with her Camarro when she was 16.” Sorry dude but she’s really hot. 

Image source: imgur.com

18When you want the best place at the beach

What better way than to transform your car bonnet into sundeck for yourself.

Image Source: www.polkamagazine.com


Although some arcades do carry these machines, these were a much bigger novelty in the sixties when they first came out. Check out the bell bottoms the woman is wearing, that was the seventies style. 

Image Source: warosu.org

20He’s cool

That’s the true look of the seventies, long hair, sunglasses, leather jacket and jeans. More like an evolved jimmy dean and who can’t forget the favorite bike and for some their favorite girl too, Harley!! 

Image Source: www.vintag.es

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