You will be allowed to carry 87 ml of liquids while you’re flying. Most people think that liquids are always a strict no-no, but that’s not the case. This doesn’t mean that you can carry alcohol with you, and it is always advisable to not drink before boarding a flight. You don’t need to carry water either, as you’ll get all the water you need on the flight.
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You can carry small bottles of energy drinks or juices, which help you recharge after a long flight.
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Quiet flying? Check. Smooth flying? Check. Cheap flying? Check. Did you know that night flights are way better than any other flights for multiple reasons? They are obviously cheaper. They experience almost no turbulence, and fewer people fly at night and the plane is almost always half-empty. If that doesn’t make you a night flyer, we don’t know what will. Also, if you don’t like babies on planes, switch to night flying, as almost nobody traveling with a child, travels at night.
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