She thought it was a coat hook on her door but a closer look horrified her

By Andrew Alpin, 6 March 2017

In today’s world of modern gadgetry and technology improving our lives, there is an unfortunate misuse of the same for nefarious purposes. Women especially should be extra careful when using the utilities and benefits of third parties.

This particular woman learned the hard way when what appeared to be a hook on her door turned out something sinister. Remember this could happen to you too!

1 When she returned home from work she found this

This is one story that needs to be read by all women. Regardless if you are in a trial room changing or living in with a partner or even sharing an apartment. It pays to be cautious because spy devices come in shapes that you will least expect.

When this woman came home from work one day, she found a small hook behind her door. It was a small coat hangar no doubt and she presumed it had been placed there for her benefit. The apartment was a shared one and it had not even occurred to her that the device was a spy cam.

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2 When she took a closer look she was horrified

A doubt got the better of her and on closer inspection she found to her horror it was a spy device. Her co worker had been using it to spy on her.

She is now in the process of pressing charges and has launched an investigation as to who planted the device and for what purpose. It may cost just $20 but with a successful case, that would cost the culprit millions of dollars by way of a suit for invasion of privacy.

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3 Another similar incident

In another incident a woman who worked on an oil rig also found a similar device in her dormitory. It was a hook on her door. The woman then found out how she had been spied upon again by co workers for several days.

These aren’t coat hangers. They are spy cams shaped like a coat hanger. On first glance they look just like ordinary coat hangers except for the tiny lens planted strategically in the device.

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4 It pays to be cautious. If you see one of these, remove them immediately

A woman always needs to exercise caution. There could be similar devices in the shape of various utility objects which you may least expect. It could always crop up in public utility services where you may require changing or removing clothes such as trial rooms, restaurants and company restrooms. Like the woman you read about who found a hook on her door, you need to be careful.

Privacy isn’t what it meant and in the day of modern technology it always seems as if someone is indeed watching you.

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