15 Things You May Regret In 10 Years

By Nitin Bhatnagar, 9 June 2018

6Fun time with friends due to work load

We get so busy with our work that we don’t value quality moments and fun time which can be enjoyed with friends and give us sweet memories for a lifetime; at least we can take out few hours if someone invites us so as not to disappoint him/her. If one keeps on refusing over and over again, there are high chances that people stop asking them later on.

Image Source: img.eagleee.com

7Being over-confident and stop learning new things

We never know what will work in future and no matter how good courses we have done, things might change in few years and the course that has a great value at the present time might not help you with a successful career in the years to come. Hence, it’s a good idea to keep on enhancing your knowledge by learning new things and never think that you are qualified enough to afford a luxurious life.

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8Wasting too much time in things which are good for nothing

There has been an increasing craze of playing games or using excessive social media in teens and youngsters of the present generation. In fact, they seem to have become so addictive to these stuffs that they overlook important things and waste a lot of time that they could have used in doing something productive.

Image Source: media.sabay.com

9Not quitting bad habits

We all know that smoking is injurious to health and even after knowing its bad effects on our body, there are some people who are not able to quit it. In fact, this addiction keeps on increasing until they get medically advised to quit it or face the unfavorable outcome that they get to see in form of diseases like cancer.

Image Source: www.chatelaine.com

10Doing the same job that you don’t like for years

Needless to say, we have the opportunity to perform better in those things that we like as we keep on attempting for making it more creative and interesting. The job of our choice not only gives pleasure but at the same time, we try to excel in it which further opens door of success. However, if an individual keeps on doing the same job that he hates, there are very less chances of him making an achievement or living a contented life.

Image Source: img1.utuku.china.com

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