Don’t you hate this that in spite of lowering the seatbelt as much as possible, it chokes you, well that’s life for a short gal?
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Can’t you see it’s because the gal is short. Obviously she would be doing it for her pleasure or hoping the windshield is closer to her head so she can’t bash through it with every jerk. This is how short gals drive because it’s the only way to reach.
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Well what else is there to do when there is no help around. You have to be self reliant even if it means risking the shelf toppling over you. All you can do is whisper Please don’t break….please don’t break…please don’t break.
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Which is what could happen in those department stores with freezer doors that seem like the gates of a huge castle for you? Why do they need such huge freezers in a store, don’t they know there are shorties in the world.
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