18 Things Women Over 5’3” Will Never Believe Short Girls Have To Deal With

By Andrew Alpin, 25 February 2018

While it may be fun to be a short gal who can actually rule a guy with her petiteness, sometimes it can get so damn annoying and irritating and every short gal out there will know exactly what I mean when she reads this article and relates to these experiences. Moreover, this is also for all you daddy long legs out there and those over 5 feet three, take a look at what you never have to go through. Here is what short girls have to deal with but laugh all you want at our expense as short gals get to dominate guy easily because of size.

1Thigh-high" boots end up looking more like "your-entire-leg" boots

Don’t you just wish you could wear those thigh high boots you’ve seen on Amazon? Being so enamored by the boots, you go right ahead and purchase it waiting in anticipation to try them on but when you do, they go right up your entire damn leg.

Image Source: www.primacdn.cz

2When you stand next to someone tall like your boyfriend

And you end up looking like a HOBBIT, it’s not funny really but there are advantages though, he’ll be too scared to annoy you lest you burst out crying like a child that he thinks you are.

Image Source: primacdn.cz

3When you want a particular pair of shoes and they are invariably on the TOP SHELF

How many can identify with this one? Many of course and it’s a real bummer when you hear sniggering behind you especially when you are desperately trying to reach up to the shelf.

Image Source: twitter.com


4When you also want a bathroom selfie but ALAS

You’ve seen all those sexy photos and selfies of models and even your friends on Instagram and you too want a selfie of your own but the idiot house architect has put a wall of tiles below the mirror or the damn mirror itself is too high.

Image Source: buzzfeed.com

5When you want to wear cropped pants

This is another bummer that makes you want these styles so bad you go right ahead and buy them and when you try them on, it’s another story entirely. This is exactly what happens to me.

Image Source: www.catdumb.com/


6And when you try on regular pants

It’s the same damn thing!! Cropped pants turn out reaching your ankles and regular jeans end up like a mitten over your toes. Yes ok! We know you can cut them and hem them in but why can’t they be made shorter for shorties like me.

Image Source: buzzfeed.com

7When there is something exciting going on and a crowd gathers around

Well, what more can one say, it would be cool if I too could see something, and a short gal won’t get to see a thing unless she has a tall boyfriend who will hoist her on his shoulders but for that you shouldn’t be too chubby too.




8When you purchase general admission tickets to a concert

And all you get to see are heads, heads and sometimes legs too. If you are going to a show, make sure you purchase a ticket that gets you up front or you might as well not go.

Image Source: twitter.com

9When the seatbelt chokes you in spite of lowering it as much as possible

Don’t you hate this that in spite of lowering the seatbelt as much as possible, it chokes you, well that’s life for a short gal?

Image Source: .pinimg.com

10Doesn’t it annoy you when people ask you why your seat is so forward?

Can’t you see it’s because the gal is short. Obviously she would be doing it for her pleasure or hoping the windshield is closer to her head so she can’t bash through it with every jerk. This is how short gals drive because it’s the only way to reach.

Image Source: pinimg.com

11When there is no choice except pray to God that the shelves don’t break

Well what else is there to do when there is no help around. You have to be self reliant even if it means risking the shelf toppling over you. All you can do is whisper Please don’t break….please don’t break…please don’t break.

Image Source: buzzfeed.com

12Or when you risk getting trapped in the freezer

Which is what could happen in those department stores with freezer doors that seem like the gates of a huge castle for you? Why do they need such huge freezers in a store, don’t they know there are shorties in the world.

Image Source: yookartik.com

13When you’re desperately trying to reach that one sock left in the washer

And it’s right at the bottom and try as you might you just can’t reach it till you tilt and almost end up in the washer itself.

Image Source: postbaku.net

14When sitting on your bed makes you feel like a kid

Especially when your legs dangle and it may be nostalgic but it also makes you feel weird that this is real and you’re short and your legs aren’t reaching the ground what the.

Image Source: yookartik.com

15And the same thing happens even on the toilet

Don’t you wish they made toilets for smaller people or simply hate a toilet that has been made too high? This could happen at home too. Well, thankfully you may have a stool at home but outside is different matter.

Image Source: buzzfeed.com


16When that particular ingredient you need is on the top shelf

Now where did I put the paprika…..crap…Crap…crap. Doesn’t this happen all the time, just when you are about to cook something and the important ingredients are all on top.

Image Source: in.pinterest.com


17And then there are the expert comments

What the hell is your problem, if a gal is short she’s short, ask yourself why are you so tall, ever thought about it that way??

Image Source: onsizzle.com

18You need a guy who is strong

Has this happened to you at any time when your guy is kind and sweet enough to hoist you on his shoulders just so you can browse what’s on the top shelf? There may be problems that short girls have to deal with but it has its perks too.

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