They didn’t want their daughter to sit next to him. Seconds later his identity shocks them

By Andrew Alpin, 3 March 2017

There is a well known saying “never judge a book by its cover’. Humanity has yet to conform to such idealism where the scar of racial discrimination still clings to the world like an open wound although not as prominent as two decades ago.

Human prejudice still exists and is displayed in our everyday lives. On the bus, in a public park, in lounges and even in a doctor’s waiting room. How often have you felt uneasy sitting to a colored man or woman. Is color a measure of character and goodness? When this couple enters a doctor’s chamber, they didn’t want their girl sitting next to a colored man but what happens next will shock you. Watch this video at the end of this article and perhaps you’ll see humanity in a new light from today.

1A Family Arrives At the Doctors Office

When this family arrives at the doctor’s chamber, they see a colored man sitting quietly at the end of the row of chairs. Instinctively thee young girl sits next to the man without much ado but the mother thinks differently.

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2She Makes Her Daughter Get Up

She actually makes her daughter get up and sit on the other side of her away from the man. To ensure his wife and daughter sit as far as possible from the young man, the father vacates his chair and remains standing all because they didn’t want their girl sitting next to him. If you were that man HOW WOULD YOU FEEL? Isn’t that exactly the way some of us behave?


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3They Are Called Into the Doctors Office

The doctor calls the couple and child into his office. But suddenly he also asks the young man to join them. Obviously the couple may have been surprised.


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4The Doctor Then Introduces the Young Man to Them

The little girl was a patient of the doctor. She had just recovered from a life threatening operation that resulted from the fatal leukemia. The doctor then smiles and introduces the young man to them. Who the young man was to this family will shock you.

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5Meet Your Bone Marrow Donor!

Yes!! The couple was introduced to the man who had donated his bone marrow to the girl suffering from leukemia and she lived because of him. He was her savior and yet they didn’t want their girl sitting next to him.

STILL WANT TO JUDGE PEOPLE BY SKIN COLOR? This is a powerful message that we should get rid of our prejudices and never discriminates against humankind. Discrimination hurts! Now watch the video again. 

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