The Two Incredible Benefits of Burning and Vaporizing Bay Leaves in Your House

By Andrew Alpin, 7 April 2022

It helps you relax by reducing stress, anxiety, and fatigue

Compounds such as cineol, pinene, and elemicin, are present in bay leaves. These compounds are known to have both calming and energizing properties when heated. Breathing in the stimulating effects of these chemicals, released into the air, has been described by many as having a slightly psychedelic feel to it. If you feel tired, worn-out/fatigued? Try burning some bay leaves to reawaken your senses. Pinene, cineol, and elemicin help alleviate weariness.

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Improves immunity

Vitamin C, which is found in bay leaves, aids in the development of a healthy immune system. Additionally, it includes zinc and vitamin A, both of which are beneficial to the eyes, nose, throat, and digestive tract. So, you can enhance your overall immunity by adding them to your meals and by inhaling their fresh aromatic scent as well.

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It boosts cardiovascular health

There is a natural organic compound in bay leaves called caffeic acid, which helps to strengthen and support the heart’s capillary walls. Caffeic acid has also been shown to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the cardiovascular system. The heart-healthy benefits of bay leaves can be gained by simply eating the delicious food prepared with them, besides burning or inhaling the treated steam.

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Can treat bronchitis, arthritis, and muscle pain

In many traditional treatments, essential oil components can treat arthritis, bronchitis and flu symptoms. In the same way, burning and vaporizing bay leaves can treat bronchitis. Joint problems can also be alleviated because of the leaves’ anti-inflammatory properties.

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