Surgeons In South Africa Claiming The World’s First Head Transplant Is One Big Hoax

By Andrew Alpin, 25 April 2017

2 The team

Take a look at the assumed team of incredible surgeons who were supposed to have worked on the world’s first head transplant. According to the mysterious Profesor Danus, the donor’s parents were grateful for having being given the opportunity to donate their son’s body for a worthy cause.

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3 The fabrication goes as far as saying the news was shared with CNN

It is most unlikely for something as fabricated as this to even be true because it could never be successful given the medical restrictions in place. However the tall stories continued even as surgeons released a statement saying “Our goal is for Horner to be fully functional in two years and we are extremely pleased at his rapid recovery”. One of the surgeons, a certain Tom Downey was alleged to have even shared the story with CNN stating it was a massive breakthrough. What’s epic is the image in the story is of another Italian doctor Sergio Canavero projected as Tom Downey.

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