10 Of the Strangest and Most Spectacular Places in the World

By Andrew Alpin, 18 September 2017

Our planet is an amazing place that is home to unexplored wonders and astonishing places that will leave anyone in awe. But among such places there are some which are so spectacular and strange that you would find it hard to believe they exist. Here are ten such strange places on earth that you should make it a point to visit.

1Volcanic lightning, Iceland

The phenomenon is created by the interaction of normal clouds charged with electric particles that are present in the volcanic ash cloud. It almost looks like a portal to hell and a spectacular sight to watch. 

Image Source: www.thelivingmoon.com

2Glowing waves, Maldives

The bioluminescent beach of the Maldives makes waves glow blue each time the water comes to the shore. This makes the entire beach look like some fairyland. The reason for the luminosity is the presence of ostracod crustaceans that glow and create the magical effect. These creatures emit light longer than regular plankton. 

Image Source: www.huffpost.com

3The blue tide show, San Diego

The blue tide of San Diego is a beautiful spectacle to watch. It is created by the presence of linulodinium polyhedron, a kind of phytoplankton that gives the waves the electric blue color. Watching the ethereal sight at twilight is a fantastic experience. 

Image Source: www.amazonaws.com

4The red crab migration, Christmas Island

The crab migration in Christmas Islands is a crazy sight for any tourist where thousands of red crabs can be seen scuttling after laying their eggs on the seashore. Roads are blocked with what appears to be a red carpet of crabs. 

Image Source: www.christmas.net.au

5Underwater waterfall, Mauritius

The famous underwater waterfall in Mauritius is an intriguing phenomena caused by sand and silt deposits that change the color of the water. Moreover, the crevasse beneath the surface gives it an impression of an underwater waterfall. It is almost magical and eerie to see water falling to a limitless depth. 

Image Source: www.earthporm.com

6Time-lapse Calbuco, Chile

When this volcano in Chile spewed an ash plume that sprinkled almost 33,000 feet consisting of hot material that erupts out of a volcano. The eruption created lava flows that were visibly noticed by the population. The photographs taken at the precise moment went viral in 2015. 

Image Source: www.softpedia-static.com

7Gateway to hell, Turkmenistan

Referred to as the Darwaza Gas Crater, it is one of the strangest places n earth and scary too which is why it is known as the Gateway to hell. The crater of fire is equal to the size of a football field has been burning for the last 50 years and is located in the Karakum desert of Turkmenistan. 

Image Source: www.nydailynews.com

8Blue lava, Indonesia

The Kawah Ijen Volcano located in Indonesia is a magical phenomena and intriguing no less because it spews blue lava. This is due to the high concentration of sulfur gases under pressure from heating at high temperatures that reach more than 600 degrees C. Exposed to oxygen, they are ignited by the lava creating colorful flames. 

Image Source: www.ytimg.com

9Yosemite National Park, California, USA

Among strange places on earth, this is one spectacular but dangerous sight to watch. The dramatic sight of fire and lava flowing over the mountain isn’t what it appears to be. It is an illusion of a sea of fire created by the sun hitting horsetail falls at such an angle that it illuminates it into what seems to be fire. Especially at sunset, one can see horsetail falls glowing a fiery orange. 

Image Source: www.dailymail.co.uk

10Underwater hole, Lighthouse Reef, Belize

As one of the world’s largest sinkholes, the great blue hole off the coast of Belize is an amazing phenomenon frequented by adventure enthusiasts and divers worldwide. It is located on a coral island right in the center of lighthouse reef. 

Image Source: www.24hviralphotos.com

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