Soldiers Took Away a Woman’s Birthday Cake In World War II, They Now Replace 77 Years Later in Heartwarming Ceremony

By Andrew Alpin, 31 July 2022

But she never got a chance to taste her cake

Unfortunately, Mion never got to taste the cake her mother made. Col. Matthew Gomlak, who is in charge of the U.S. Army Garrison in Italy, said that “resourceful American soldiers” had made off with her cake.

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The soldiers then took the cake from the window sill, thinking it was a gift

Soldiers took Mion’s birthday cake right before she could eat it. They probably thought it was a gift and never knew it was a birthday cake for a kid. Col. Matthew Gomlak said, “Her happiness turned into disappointment.”

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Even though it had been 77 years, the U.S. Army was still determined to make things right

The U.S. Army Garrison in Italy wanted to make it up to her by giving her a brand new cake for her 90th birthday, after 77 years. The 88th Infantry Division got together to celebrate her 90th birthday and the 77th anniversary of the U.S. victory. They did this at Giardini Salvi, a garden in Vicenza. The people of Vincenza were very welcoming of the soldiers during the war, and Gomlak said, “That warm welcome by the people of Vicenza continues to this day.”

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Col. Gomlak and Sgt. Peter Wallis presented Mion with her cake

Col. Gomlak and Sgt. Peter Wallis gave Mion a new cake with the words “Happy 90th Birthday” written on it. Wallis describes the event by saying- “It was a little awkward, but it makes me feel great to give her the cake.”

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