The Google Assistant is a much more sophisticated version of Google’s voice features. It can be invoked both using the OK Google feature on your home screen or by using the voice feature. Google Assistant merges with third-party services like Nest, Google SmartThings and IFTTT, which makes it easier to use the voice feature in natural languages.
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If you were a fan of interface skins on the ancient Symbian phones as much as I am, then launchers might not be such a new element to you. The Google Play Store is flooded with launchers or 3rd party applications which allow you to change the icon set for your app deck, the transparency level of menus, transition animations as well as the shell in some cases. There are plenty free launchers and free skins available in the market that can literally make your device screen look like something out of the Matrix!
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If you are as scares about people moseying over to your personal gallery and memos and messages without hesitation, then the pin-screen option maybe your new best friend. Yes, we do use app locks, but app-locks have a cumbersome repeat-value unlike the pin feature which is a one-touch option. It is available over every open window so you can lock the screen to that application and prevent unauthorized app-browsing.
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