Look out for These 12 Signs That Prove You’re Dealing with a Psychopath

By Andrew Alpin, 9 November 2017

3Psychopaths are the biggest hypocrites

Psychopaths can charm the socks of anyone. They say and do the right things that will eventually make you turn to them and like them. They will pretend to be your biggest friend where in truth they are your worst enemy. Once you turn, they won’t hesitate to stab you in the back.

Psychopaths are extremely good at playing the victim card and will make sure he or she spreads ill about you to get garner support from others. They will also try and act as if they care about you and will nurture you even though you could be hurting from something that was their fault. 

Image Source: www.quora.com

4They have split personalities

One of the most common traits of a psychopath who can change personalities at a drop of a hat. One moment they could be laughing with you and acting like they really care and in the next moment, they will act as if you repulse them and profess aggressive angry behavior.

A psychopath may also act as if he really likes you but the presence of others will act as if you don’t exist. Such behavior is a big red flag of warning that you may be with a psychopath and its time to do some rethinking. This could also be one of the worst signs of a psychopath especially in a relationship where you may feel you have the right person who may put you on cloud nine and suddenly you might be brought crashing to the ground. 

Image Source: www.matthewnewhall.com

5They are over dramatic

Just as a female psychopath can be regarded as a drama queen a male psychopath can also be just as dramatic in his behavior. Psychopath's always make a big issue over anything and can act erratic at times and even very high strung. Psychos aren’t really the ones to accept responsibilities and will always be the first person to blame others when things go wrong.

Psychopaths will make a small issue seem really a big problem. They may scream about it, shriek, blame you and your incompetence; they will act as if a catastrophe has occurred. They will also try their best to prove their lies and theories are true and will never take the blame of anything. 

Image Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

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